Segue Software's uniquely robust architecture allows QualityWorks to support over 20 different platforms and operating environments -- more than any other test tool. We plan to always be there first when a new operating environment achieves popularity in the market. What's more, when your platform or operating environment is upgraded, Segue will be able to quickly and robustly support the change. We've demonstrated this many times -- we had testing support available for Microsoft NT in the fall of 1994, and for Windows 95 in February of 1995. At Segue, we believe that making sure your testing system can support your current platforms, upgrades to those platforms, and platforms you are considering for the future is crucial to protecting your investment in a testing system.

Below is a partial listing of the platforms QualityWorks currently supports. Call us at (800) 287-1329 for more information on our multi- and cross-platform capabilities.

Centura SQL Windows                 Motif/SCO                                   Uniface              
IBM OS/2 PM                               Motif/SGI                                     VBX
IBM OS/2 Warp                            Motif/Sun SPARC                        Windows 3.x    
Macitosh                                        Motif/Sun SPARC SUN OS         Windows 95
Macintosh Power PC                     Oracle CDE                                  Windows NT     
Motif/DEC AXP OSF/1                 Powersoft PowerBuilder               XVT
Motif/IBM RS/6000                      Siemens